Revised Journal 1

I have tried to find solutions in my procrastination, however I find myself falling into the same loop of procrastination.  I constantly think of solutions that will lead to better time management, but I always find a way to weasel out of it.  It all comes down to personal discipline, which I have not developed.  I have to create a method in which I can find reward in the completion of work.  Scheduling is not the issue, as personal deadlines I set are hollow because I realize that I set them, and I have power over them.  I need to manipulate my habits to actually change my capabilities.  If I can stick to a schedule, then I can complete assignments with better quality.

The library session gave me a better sense to what words to choose to search for.  It allows me to search in a broader sense to see what is relative in the evidence found.  It also also allowed me to search for words that connect two different pieces of evidence, and can lead to more concrete research.  

1 comment:

  1. I think procrastination is not the issue just for you, it's for many of us. I find it very good to find a place that will force you/suitable for working, like the library or a quiet place in which you can focus and not be disturbed by any source. Also, I may not say setting a schedule is not good because it works for some people. But on top of that, I would suggest you give yourself a little break once in a while, say 15 minutes every hour. Once you are not forced to concentrate for a very long time and have enough break, it is easier be productive during the working time.
