This intrigued me as I was adjusting the blog, as the backgrounds were linked into genres. Though full of fish, this background appeared in the sport and leisure genre. There is also a nature genre, but only a few pictures of animals were included. I will divulge in greater detail on the page of Margaret Cavendish's as the leisurely past-time of the hunt is carried on in modern fishing, as it has become a competition. However, what I want to say in this post, is what was included in both the sport/leisure genre and the nature genre. This background is an image of whitewater rafting. Though it combines the forces of nature and sport, it is a human-made sport that is meant to conquer nature. Though you see the full power of a river, the point is to make through the river and succeed nature. It is a conquering moment, like fishing and the hunt, but is etched within popular culture as a moment of oneness with nature.
For a more indepth look at the hunt and culture see:
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